I'm ashamed to say how long it's been since my last good run. I could blame it on our family vacation to England but I won't. I'll just blame it on the fact that I slipped back into my sedentary lifestyle so effortlessly....until tonight.
Don has been trying to get me to run with him and I've managed to finagle my way out of it. Today was different. I could feel that if I didn't start running soon, then all of the training I did for the RTO would be for nothing and I'd be back at square one. So I agreed to go for a run tonight.
We had dinner fairly late and it took a while for our bellies to un-bloat. By ten o'clock I was feeling like if I didn't run right at that moment that I'd never run again. I cajoled my husband into getting his running gear on; he was midway into a show and I made him stop it.
The weather couldn't have been better. It was about 75 degrees and as many stars as I've ever seen in Reno. There was a nice breeze so it felt cooler than it was and it made the run all the more perfect. There was very little traffic and we cruised around the neighborhood, hoping we wouldn't get lost on the dark streets.
We finished just over 4.15 miles in 49:14. A nice run on a nice night to ease myself back into training. For what, I have no idea. I guess I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.