Monday, March 28, 2011

Hells yeah!!

Wow. I'm sitting here typing this out, my breathing under control and my calves as tight as drums and I just can't stop smiling. Perhaps it's the runner's high, perhaps I'm a little light-headed from being a bit hungry but I just can't wipe this goofy smirk off my face.

I took my own challenge from yesterday and finished my 2-mile run....and it felt good. It felt so good that instead of walking the last .25 mile for a cooldown I ran it in, so my total run today was 2.26 miles and I did it in 20:43. Woohoo! Personal best! Broken down, my first mile was 9:10 and my second mile was 9:11. Not too bad for someone who was all whiney about running yesterday.

Prior to my run today I spent a good 15 minutes getting myself psyched up to finish what I set out to do. As I put away laundry I kept muttering to myself, "You're gonna rock this. You can totally do this. Once you get past the first mile, it gets easier." I realize that might make me come off as slightly nutty but it's what I needed to do to muster up the energy to not give up and take a nap right then and there.

I had finally found my JogBra, gotten some gum, and didn't even bother with sunglasses. No excuses today. Only myself to blame. With that as a motivator I turned on a different playlist and hit the pavement. I was by no means running with the cheetahs, but I found a nice groove and those 2 miles went by easier today than ever before. I'm confident that I'm going to progress enough to not embarrass myself or my team for the Reno Tahoe Odyssey.

Tomorrow I'm taking the day off. My calves are sore and I think a day of walking or stairs is in order.

Wish me luck!

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