Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Contemplating tomorrow

As I sit here, nearly ready to head upstairs to bed, I can't help but thinking about my run tomorrow. Wednesday marks the point in my "training" where I amp up my distance. I think amp up might be taking it a bit too seriously, but I'm going from 1 mile to 2 miles. Though some of you are probably thinking, "I could run that in my sleep," rest assured that it is a truly terrifying thought for me. I know that once I get in my groove my endorphins will overtake my fear and I'll hack and gag my way through it. However, right now, it's going to haunt my dreams.

If I don't post tomorrow with an update on the run it's because my muscles froze up somewhere along my route and I'm probably lying in the fetal position in someone's front lawn.

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, go get it!
    Going from 1 mile to 2 miles is a big jump. That's a 100% increase on distance!
    There's a "rule of thumb" that suggests increasing the distance by 10% at a time. See here: http://www.runnersworld.com/article/0,7120,s6-238-267--1051-0,00.html

    I'm sure you know what you're doing, and you can probably handle the jump from 1 to 2 miles, but I just wanted to throw that out there. I'm very excited to see that you're getting excited about running! Wooo! :)
